Risk manager

Резюме 162635   ·   10 ноября 2015, 15:41




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Общая информация

Город проживания


Заработная плата

от 800 000 тнг.

График работы

Полный рабочий день



Опыт работы

16 лет 9 месяцев




47 лет   (18 сентября 1977)

Опыт работы

Период работы

сентябрь 2014 — по настоящее время   (10 лет 1 месяц)


Риск менеджер


KAZ Minerals PLC


• Preparation Risk management Plan for the Group;
• Introduction project risk management system for the Group;
• Development and actualization of risk management methodology for the Group (Policy, Standard, procedures);
• Development classifications of risks categories for the Group;
• Actualization Risk Map for the Group;
• Preparation risk management reports to the Board of Directors;
• Preparation quarterly project risks reports to the Management and Group CFO;
• Development Risk reestr and Risk Map (including project risk reestrs and maps) KAZ Minerals Management and other Group companies;
• Implementing risk decomposition from up to bottom by functions;
• Identifying, analysing, evaluating, treating, monitoring of all categories risks of the Group;
• Controlling risk management work realization for the Group;
• Implementation of risk management trainings for risk managers and for Group companies with detailed practical skills about risks reestr decomposition;
• Development quantitative project risk assessment procedures;
• Consideration risk management information systems on the market;
• Consideration risk management quantitative tools;
• Organization corporate risk management training with external business trainers for the Group.

Период работы

март 2014 — сентябрь 2014   (7 месяцев)


Проектный риск менеджер


ТОО Корпорация Казахмыс


• Preparation project risk management reports for management;
• Identifying, analyzing, evaluating, treating, monitoring project risk Corporation;
• Preparation project risk register and map;
• Planning project risk management work;
• Controlling realization project risk management work in Corporation;
• Development of project risk management methodology for Corporation;
• Development of quantitative project risk assessment methodology for Corporation;
• Preparation project risk management presentations an introduction of them;
• Implementation project risk management trainings for project teams with detailed practical skills about project risks reestr decomposition.

Период работы

январь 2005 — март 2014   (9 лет 3 месяца)


Риск менеджер


АО НАК Казатомпром


• Preparation risk management report for the Board of Directors;
• Preparation report on Committee’s risks activity for the Board of Directors;
• Execution Annual Register and Risk Map of the Company;
• Annual Report operational risks of Company;
• Quarterly and annually report of project risks monitoring of units Company;
• Quarterly and annually report of operational risks monitoring of units Company;
• Preparation execution preventive actions for risk reduction report to Management Сompany;
• Preparation project risk conclusion for the different investment projects Company;
• Preparation risk conclusion for Credit Committee Company;
• Identifying, analyzing, evaluating, treating, monitoring risk Company;
• Calculation level of keeping ability on risks Company;
• Planning risk management work;
• Controlling realization risk management work in Company;
• Development risk management methodology for Company;
• Work as secretary of Committee on risks Company;
• Preparation risk management presentations an introduction of them;
• Team member creating the ranking of the units Company risk management system (evaluation of companies, diagrams building, presentation);
• Contact with consultants for risk management.

Период работы

июнь 1999 — январь 2005   (5 лет 8 месяцев)


Внутренний аудитор


Национальный Банк РК


• Carrying out audit of financial activity of subsidiary and organizations of bank;
• Carrying out audit of internal control system of bank;
• Carry out audit of different information systems of bank;
• Preparation of audit report for Management of bank;
• Preparation of prevention controls report for Management of bank;
• Participation in development of audit and other methodology of bank;
• Controlling recommendation execution by subsidiary bank;
• Conducting audit information system;
• Translation audit documents for Russian language.





1998 год

Учебное заведение

Академия труда и социальных отношений


Финансы и кредит, банковское дело

Дополнительная информация

Иностранные языки

Английский (Свободный), Итальянский (Базовый)

Водительские права

Категория B

Владение компьютером

Продвинутый пользователь

Курсы и тренинги

2014 Time management training,
Almaty, Kazakhstan
2012 Internal control system training,
KPMG, Astana, Kazakhstan
2012 Risk management training,
KPMG, Astana, Kazakhstan
2012 Analyze and hedging project risk training,
National university of technology and design, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
2008 Project Management training, IPMA,
Kazakhstan Project Management Association, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Gained in-depth knowledge in project management, including project risk management.
2007 Risk Management Practical Training, Certificate,
MARSH, Almaty, Kazakhstan (UK, Russia lecturers).
2002 Training in Lotus Domino Programming, Certificate,
Russian Education Centre, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
2002 Internal Audit Training
Central Bank of France, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
2001 Audit and Risk Control Training
Ernst&Young, Almaty, Kazakhstan
2001 Internal Audit Training
Central Bank of Holland, Almaty, Kazakhstan
2000 Internal Audit Training
Arthur Andersen, Almaty, Kazakhstan
2000 Training in International Standards of Accounting, Certificate
Higher School of International business, Almaty, Kazakhstan
1999 General Layout of Financial Activity Accounts, Certificate
Account and Audit Company, Almaty, Kazakhstan
1998 Registration of Securities Courses, II Category License,
Investment Management Group, the broker and dealer company, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Навыки и умения

Навыки внедрения корпоративной системы управления рисками, навыки обучения работников, разработки методологических документов, презентационные навыки.

Другие резюме в Алматы

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Техник по уборке офисов и производственных помещений

от 70 000 тнг.


Помощник главного бухгалтера




от 80 000 тнг.


Офис Менеджер

от 70 000 тнг.


Руководитель отдела закупки (продаж)

от 200 000 тнг.






от 170 000 тнг.



от 150 000 тнг.
