Production operator

Резюме 140490   ·   23 мая 2015, 07:34




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Опыт работы

13 лет 7 месяцев




42 года   (11 октября 1981)

Опыт работы

Период работы

февраль 2014 — по настоящее время   (10 лет 8 месяцев)


Sr Production Operator


“Shell Iraq Petroleum Development”, Wood group PSN Company, Iraq


• Keep oil production stable
• Commissioning and start-up of new equipment
• Coaching of local trainees
• Maintain key adjustable operating parameters in the oil process, and ensure optimisation at the request of the CRO
• Assist the CRO in any way necessary to ensure continuation of Oil export from Flow Tanks through export pumps into export pipe line.
• Perform activities specified and controlled by routine job cards
• Carry out emergency response duties
• Service of High/Low pressure separator, Hot oil heater, Desalter, Dehydrator, Oil storage tanks, pumps and “Khrone” oil metering skid.
• Conduct pigging activities as per the schedule.

Период работы

июнь 2011 — февраль 2014   (2 года 9 месяцев)


Offshore Lead Control Room Operator


“Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd”, Oil&Gas production platform PA-B, Russian Federation, Sakhalin Island


• Lead the duties necessary to start up, operate and shutdown equipment, trains or the whole platform
• Production optimisation
• Ensure that effective alarm management system is in place in control room;
• Coach and provide on-the-job training of new employees;
• Interaction with higher-level technical authorities and engineering groups;
• Lead ensure safe production process on the platform
• Trouble shooting using SCADA-program
• Proactive monitoring of variable tables
• Control and direct other technicians during plant start up
• Perform isolation on Integrating Control and Safety System as required
• Initiate well tests in accordance the well activity list
• Start-up of new High Pressure Water Injection Pump (320 barg). Punch list of defects creating

Период работы

июнь 2006 — июнь 2011   (5 лет 1 месяц)


Offshore Oil and Gas Lead Field Operator


“Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd”, Oil&Gas production platform PA-B, Russian Federation, Sakhalin Island


• Control performance of trains, fulfillment of working procedures, ensure their safe operation and high degree of operating reliability from the panel (Yokogawa CS 3000)
• Contribution into Ensure Safe Production program
• Operate production wells and smart water injection wells
• Monitor the condition of equipment performance and readings of instruments
• Accurately maintain internal and regulatory documents
• Present accurate reports on performance parameters
• Keep records of consumables
• Participate in continuous improvement programs in the search for operations excellence and safe production
• Ensure compliance with the production procedures and requirements of the Russian legislation
• Take immediate measures towards elimination of equipment failures and render assistance in the processes of diagnostics and solving of maintenance/operation problems
• Preparation of operating procedures and instructions
• Operate oil production and water injection wells, production facilities (oil treatment, gas conditioning) and utility systems, rectify process disturbances, start and stop production facilities and utility equipment
• Well clean-up, bean-up activities
• Production well testing
• Water injection wells fracturing programs
• Carry out routine checks
• Carry out or assist in carrying out integrity and performance tests
• Make safe or assist in making safe production and/or utility systems for maintenance or modifications
• Work with SAP
• Liaison with vendors
• Systems commissioning hand-over inspection
• Work with PCS (Process Control System) and Machine Monitoring system (Bentley Nevada)
• Use of ISSOW (Integrated Safety System of Work) system
• Carry out or assist in carrying out loading activities
• Ensure operation data is collated accurately
• Perform 1st line maintenance
• Taking of oil samples and doing of analyses
• Pipe cleaning activities (pigging)
• Isolation and de-isolation of equipment for maintenance (vessels, wells, pumps)
• Chemical injection (methanol, wax inhibitor, de-emulsifier, scale inhibitor and other)
• Production well flow line N2 purging
• Taking part in Gas recycle test (achievement of maximum gas capacity of the gas booster/export compressor)
• Troubleshooting of Glycol regeneration reboiler vapor recovery package.
• Operate by “Uniconn” programmable logical controller which used in production and water injection smart wells.

Период работы

июль 2007 — май 2008   (11 месяцев)


Shift Supervisor


“ROSNEFT-PURNEFTEGAZ”, Russian Federation, Western Siberia, “Tarasovka project”


• Control over service of wells, control parameters work of oil wells. The direct management and control over carrying out of dangerous works on the collar working oil wells, and also on the pipe lines.
• Production monitoring of the artificial lift wells (sucker rod pumps and electrical submersible pums) and solving production problems from the aspect of paraffin and scale deposition. Monitoring and dynamograph / level measurement by SIAM equipment.
• Well Servicing Planning and Supervising (Paraffin Control due hot oiling)
• Preparing crude oil for the transport (pipelines and tank trucks)
• Organizing and co-ordinating work at the production objects in the fields of the oil production with GOR at fields.

Период работы

февраль 2006 — июль 2007   (1 год 6 месяцев)


Control Room Operator


“ROSNEFT-PURNEFTEGAZ”, Russian Federation, Western Siberia, “Tarasovka project”


• Tracking the entering data of work oil wells, ordering and interpretation
• Controlling and coordination of people’s action and units on the territory oil field
• Drawing up the reports, working with the documents

Период работы

июль 2004 — февраль 2006   (1 год 8 месяцев)


Field Oil and Gas Operator


“ROSNEFT-PURNEFTEGAZ”, Russian Federation, Western Siberia, “Tarasovka project”


• Measuring a dynamical level, taking a sample, treatment of the well with a hot oil
• The control operating modes of the ground and underground equipment





2004 год

Учебное заведение

The Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Russia


Engineer’s degree (Petroleum Exploration and Production)

Дополнительная информация

Иностранные языки

Английский (Свободный), Русский (Свободный)

Водительские права

Категории B, C

Владение компьютером

Продвинутый пользователь

Курсы и тренинги

City and Guilds of London Institute certificates, BOSIET certificate, Emergency response team member, TOEIC certificate, etc.

Навыки и умения

Eleven years’ experience in oil&gas industry. 9 years of which has been directly in the Upstream (Offshore oil&gas platform) sector of the oil industry in the Russia and 2 years in the Upstream sector of the oil industry specifically in the Onshore H2S degassing station in Middle East Iraq.
Education: Graduated as an Engineer in Industry oil & gas field exploration (Engineer Degree).
Experience: Achieved Authorized Gas Tester, Isolating Authority Process, Area Athority levels and competent in ISSOW as per these levels. During planned shutdown activities of oil&gas platform responsible for equipment isolation implementation. Have high level of initiative, technical and analytical skills to make proposals on improvements. Able to work within multinational environment, SAP user, HAZOP, IPF concept awareness.
HSE: Skills in ISSOW (permit to work system); PSM and asset integrity concept, STOP program.

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